Nursery and Children’s Church
Westwood has a nursery for babies and toddlers, and a Sunday morning junior church for kids through 5th grade. If you want to keep your children with you, that’s OK too.

Kids4Truth meets on Wednesday nights for children ages 3-6. Kids4Truth has been called “systematic theology for kids.” Kids4Truth takes kids beyond salvation by discipling them and developing them in their Christian walk.
Kids4Truth emphasizes 12 doctrinal themes: God’s Word, the Trinity, the Greatness of God, God’s Creation, the Goodness of God, God’s View of You, God’s Law, God’s Purpose for His Children, Jesus Christ, God’s Work Past and Present, God’s Gift of Salvation, and God’s Plans for the Future.

Ladies Bible Study

Senior Care Ministry
Westwood has a free ministry for seniors and the disabled who join our church. We want to be there for the emergencies of life, or when you need that little extra bit of help. We have volunteers who can offer things like rides, meals, help with chores, etc.

Addiction Ministry
The Bible study focuses on 4 victory principles necessary for freedom from addiction:
1. W Walk in the Spirit
2. A Amputate Temptations
3. R Replace Sinful Behaviors with Good
4. S Develop a Spiritual Mind