Visiting a new church can be a nerve-wracking experience! To help you enjoy your first visit at Westwood, we’ve prepared some questions and answers for you:
How many people will be there?
Westwood is a small but growing church, with less than 100 in attendance. We’re too small to have a cafe or gift shop, but large enough that you will find plenty of people in your age group ready to be your friends. One benefit of attending our small church is that Westwood’s pastors will personally greet you, remember your name, and begin praying for you every day. No big church can make that kind of promise!

What should I wear to church?
You may have watched the Duggars on TV, and know that some Baptist churches require men to dress up and women to wear skirts and dresses all the time. Maybe you’ve wondered where the Bible teaches that. Well, quite honestly, it doesn’t! On a recent Sunday, we had people wearing everything from suits and ties, to jeans, shorts, Hawaiian shirts, and an Indian saree. The most important thing to God is that you come to church, not what you wear.

How long do the church services last?
Our Sunday morning service starts at 11 AM and finishes at noon. If our pastors have more to say, they will save it for next week. We realize that the traditional, Monday through Friday, 9 to 5 work day is a thing of the past for most people, and we value and respect your time.

What is the music like?
We have nothing against contemporary Christian music, but we sing mostly hymns, some old and some new. The Bible says music ought to teach us (Colossians 3:16). Our goal is not to rock you out, but to provide simple songs you can sing along to, songs that contain Bible messages which praise and glorify Jesus Christ.

What is the preaching like?
Our pastors preach mostly expository messages. Expository messages take a Bible chapter, or part of a chapter, and go through verse by verse, explaining God’s word. We seek to preach as Jesus did–adding interesting stories, real-life experiences, and practical illustrations to show you how God’s word applies to your life. We believe the worst thing church could ever be is boring, and we strive to make sure that will not be your experience at Westwood!

What about my kids?
Westwood has a nursery for babies and toddlers, and a Sunday morning junior church for kids through middle school age. If you want to keep your children with you, that’s OK too.